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Enneagram 4: the Individualist, Artist, and Romantic

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

There are nine ways of being in the world. Most people you encounter do not see the world the same way. Understanding the Enneagram gives you a better sense of self and allows you to form better relationships.

The Enneagram focuses on how you see the world, how you see yourself, and how you interact with others. You will never see people the same after you learn the Enneagram.

Read my previous post for an overview of the Enneagram, even if you are already familiar with the Enneagram.

Enneagram 4s are known as the Individualist, the Romantic, the Artist, the Mystic, the Melodramatic, and the Elitist. Their greatest desire is to find their place in the world and discover the meaning of life. Enneagram 4s strive for authenticity and seek to be unique and different. They aim to stay true to themselves and are the most in touch with their feelings. They hold values very highly and often pursue creative endeavors in their career or hobbies. Creativity does not mean they are all artists; creativity can also mean finding inventive solutions. They see the world differently in that they look for beauty and inspiration. Because of this, they often get bored with the everyday life that others accept. They do not like ordinary things. They often focus on what is missing and long for what they do not have. They constantly search for what is special, unique, and different outside themselves. Because of their focus on uniqueness, they can envy others’ originality or material things they may value. They can become incredibly dissatisfied because of this and often use creative outlets as therapy or self-care.

They value honesty and deep conversations. Enneagram 4s are emotional and sensitive. They can have highs and lows quickly minutes at times. Many people who know Enneagram 4s will describe them as emotionally intense. They are overall in tune with their feelings and the feelings of others as part of the heart center or feeling triad. You might refer to this number as empaths, like the Enneagram 2s. They are also intuitive thinkers.

4s believe they are different than everyone else and that no one will ever get them, which makes them susceptible to feeling rejected and unseen. As a withdrawing number, they focus on themselves.

They move to Enneagram 2 space in stress and Enneagram 1 space in security.

Enneagram 4s are stressed when authenticity is compromised. The world travels too fast for 4s. When placed in situations they cannot change the pace, they take on characteristics of Enneagram 2s. This move makes sense because 2s are very personal and want to receive love through helping. 4s do this to regain authenticity. They can feel accepted instead of rejected. It also gives them something to find beauty in. 4s under constant stress, especially in stressful environments or workplaces, may misrepresent as a 2. In the space of a 2, they may be more outwardly emotional and care more about what others think of them. 4s need this space to re-engage in relationships and rely on others to affirm their individuality and value their authentic self.

4s feel secure when they can slow down and pursue something of substance that they feel adds beauty to the world. They enter the space of Enneagram 1, which is what they need to bring their projects to life. This space assures them that they are doing what is right with the motivation to get it right. They become more productive and focused. They get things done and are not as moody or emotionally driven. If they move to the healthy side of 1, they will feel a greater sense of self-confidence.

Enneagram 4s with an Enneagram 3 wing (4w3s) are more focused and do not mind the spotlight as much. They are one of the types that make the best creatives with a balance of vision and follow-through. Enneagrams 4s with a five wing (4w5s) are more reserved and private. They are deeply emotional and sensitive and can be particularly brilliant because they have the creativity plus deep intellectual thinking of the 5.

Enneagram 4s are the mourning doves of the Enneagram. This type of bird is often a symbol of peace and sings a lamenting song.

Enneagram 4s want to encounter beauty and authenticity in the world to feel connected.

Growth idea: Pay more attention to the present moment. Work on gratitude for what you have instead of focusing on what you do not have.

Share this post with the 4s in your life! If you think you are a 4, share this with everyone you know so they can understand your unique view of the world!

Listen to the related First Line episode here.

For further resources about the Enneagram, I recommend the Enneagram: A Christian Perspective (Richard Rohr) and The Road Back to You (Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile).

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