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Stop Stress Eating: Changing Your Mindset About Food

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Stress affects your mental health, appetite, sleep, metabolism, and sex drive.

Instead of reaching for something you know is a quick fix, I challenge you to sit down and think through your feelings. Pray or meditate. Practice mindfulness. Journal. Try to process your emotions before you self-medicate with food or another vice.

The more you pay attention to why you eat due to stress, boredom, or emotions, the more you will learn the pattern of eating as a coping mechanism. Then, you can prevent the cycle from continuing. Awareness is the first step.

Build positive habits throughout your day to cope with stress and the emotions you are feeling more healthily. Here are some ideas:

  1. Exercise, or just be more active.

  2. Participate in your community. Volunteer your time.

  3. Listen to music to relax and destress.

  4. Talk to someone about your feelings. Connect with others. They may even have advice for you, but at the very least, they can be receptive to whatever you need to vent about.

  5. Try to add some fun to your day. Pick up a new hobby!

Hear more about this topic in the related episode of First Line here. I answer these questions (and more):

  • What strategies can I use to stop stress eating?

  • Why do we tend to overeat when stressed?

  • How is stress linked to insulin resistance and diabetes?

  • What are the main symptoms of chronic stress?

  • How can I change my mindset around food to help my physical and mental health?

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