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Enneagram 8: the Challenger, Defender, and Protector

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

Enneagram 8s are known as the boss, the defender, the protector, and the challenger. They are motivated by the desire to be independent and to protect themselves (and those they care about).

8s are natural leaders who are strong, decisive, energetic, assertive, determined, and often intense. They move fast and like to get tasks done their way. They are good at both commitment and follow-through. They are courageous and persistent with a no-nonsense attitude. What you see is what you get with 8s. At times they can be seen as blunt. They will stand up for their rights and others with a protective instinct. They may see life as a fight against injustice. 8s often have a certain aura to them of confidence. It is probably easiest to guess someone is an eight more than any number. You will notice their commanding presence when they walk into the room. As an aggressive stance number in the gut center, their focus is outside themselves, and they are very instinctual. Their worldview revolves around their aim for power, but this is more about resisting someone else taking control away from them. They have excellent integrity. They are very loyal but see others as either in or out of their circle.

They do not necessarily like conflict, but they do not shy away from it; they are always willing to sort disagreements out and want to confront them head-on. They are most likely of all the numbers to be confrontational. Many can even feel rejuvenated by a good sparing. They see conflict much differently than other numbers; they see it as a challenge of wits more than the emotional or personal side. Do not avoid conflict with an eight because they value the ability to meet them where they are. They have no problem pushing boundaries. 8s also enjoy empowering others and seeking a role as a mentor for others. 8s may say they "work hard and play hard."

8s are self-sufficient, so it is often hard for them to ask for help. Enneagram 2s have a similar disability, but the reasons are much different. 2s do not ask for help because they focus on helping others and do not recognize their needs. 8s do not ask because they believe they can meet their needs themselves. 8s also greatly emphasize honesty and straightforwardness. Many people who are not 8s may think they do not like them, but 8s often indirectly show love. Do not mistake their attitudes for dislike, especially with female 8s. They typically do not care how forceful or corrective you are back at them, but they do mind if you do not tell the truth.

They move to the space of Enneagram 5 in stress and Enneagram 2 in security.

8s are stressed when they overextend themselves. It may be hard to think of them as overworked, but they are still human. 8s can be frustrated when things are not happening and moving forward. They may become angry if held back. Enneagram 5 seems like such a big turn, but it makes so much sense since that is what they need. This space allows them to withdraw from a situation, become quiet, and think. In times of stress, 8s will find their energy taps out by the end of the day. The withdrawing element is huge, allowing them to regain a sense of safety through knowledge, often reading a book or researching solutions. There comes a time that talking with others and arguing no longer works, so this space of 5 is a blessing. Some 8s do this well and physically step back to take a break, while you may see others fighting against that urge, moving them deeper and deeper into unhealthy Enneagram 8 habits. They are exceptionally good at pushing feelings to the side, often until they build up so much that they break down into their stress number and have to think through all their feelings, usually in solitude. 8s need to reach out to other numbers more adept at guiding them through their emotions.

8s feel secure when they are allowed to be themselves without restraints. They are confident when they feel loved and respected. This move into the space of 2 helps them reach the enormous potential of helpfulness. They still have the attitude of doing but shift to helping others instead of themselves. They are hugely influential in workplaces when they blossom like this. They also become more relaxed and have a warmth and empathy that nurtures everyone around them.

Takeaway: 8s seek power over themselves and their situation to feel safe. Power and control for them are critical.

The vice of Enneagram 8s is lust, like overdoing and seeking excessive physical gratification or more intense experiences. With personal growth, Enneagram 8s can achieve the virtue of innocence, allowing them to respond to each moment without judgment or expectation. They become more open and vulnerable.

Enneagram 8s are known as the tiger of the Enneagram because of their power, vitality, and occasional perceived aggression. They are also like the rhinoceros, rattlesnake, and bull.

Room for growth: Work on moderation. Be aware of taking a combative role even if it is not your intention. Others may perceive you as intimidating and could be fearful of your energy.

8s have big hearts as part of their protective side, but they need to work on being vulnerable more often to make themselves more relatable. 8s make a lot of decisions with their instinctual intelligence. Add structure to decision-making with forced, mindful thinking and feeling.

Share this post with the 8s in your life! If you think you are an 8, share this with everyone you know so they can understand your unique view of the world!

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